WildWEB is an opensource framework to web application development.
It provides a complete set of core services to web aplications such as HTML/code separation through an advanced Template system, database abstraction, rich set of functions to automatically construct browsers, filters and (include|delete|update) forms to any table, a powerfull API to build custom forms with validation, etcetera.
What is already made:
- database abstraction through the use of ADODB (used by ACID real time SNORT analyser);
- powerfull and flexibe template style system, which separates layout (html) from code (php);
- SmartForm library with arbitrary validations;
- table manager which with a simple array that describes the table and it's fields creates a browser with arbitrary filtering with insert/update/delete forms (it's the old MTM now ADODB, STYLE and SMARTFORM powered);
WildWEB is copyrighted software distributed under the terms of the GNU General
Public License, see /home/httpd/html/docs/COPYING inside .tar.gz file for more
We are currently short on running examples because we dont have a SQL database
configured here, sorry. We collected some screenshots (old version).
To do list
- write the todo list;
- ?;
- profit!;
- seriously now, write lots of documentation;
Sorry, no complete install instructions yet, only a little express-howto:
- WildWEB assumes an Apache with PHP4 (recent version) correctly installed and operational;
- Open wildweb .tar.gz in your apache root directory
- Edit .htaccess, correct the path to the wildweb.inc.php and wildweb_append_file.inc.php files or include_once() them (one as the first included, before any HTML output and the other as the final statement in your .php) in any file to use wildweb
- Edit /wildweb/templates/wildweb_config/wildweb_config.inc.php as you need (only the first time, after that you can alter all config options web-based)
- chmod a+rwx -R templates directory (and subdirs and files), they will be altered by wildweb itself
- If you plan to maintain your pages by wildweb give your apache user (nobody, httpd or apache) write permission to our pages
- Install ADODB;
- Test your ADODB installation;
- Now you can use the ADODB-enabled parts of smartform and table manager too;
- Congratulations, now you have a functional WildWEB installation.
New versions are hosted at
Files Page
in our Sourceforge project.
Old versions are here:
sergio@bruder.net and
Mail Lists
There is used to be 2 mail lists, now we are using only one mail list in SourceForge. Go to http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/wildweb-devel for subscribe/unsubscribe/preferences and http://www.geocrawler.com/redir-sf.php3?list=wildweb-devel for archives.